And here we are, time has come for the last official day of our Barcelona trip. Some groups stayed the weekend while others left this Friday. There were two activities planned for this day and the first one was the logistics port workshop. The groups gathered at the Port of Barcelona where they got a boot tour through the port. The sun was out and the weather was perfect for this activity. Our guide was a girl who had actually studied Logistiek en Economie and is currently working and living in Barcelona. This got some of the students interested as...
Day 4: Thursday the 17th of March.
14:12On the fourth day we visited a young company called Claro Partners. One of our project members had contacted them and they accepted our re...
On the fourth day we visited a young company called Claro Partners. One of our project members had contacted them and they accepted our request and were happy to show us around. Claro Partners is an international business innovation and service design firm. The people that work there gave us a very detailed presentation on what is it that they do. What their daily tasks are and how it's like to work at Claro. The tour around the office was very inspiration because it was definitely not your typical boring office. The students got to asks questions and...
Day 3: wednesday the 16th of march
12:49On day three the journey continued as we visited two more universities. Of course one of our goals was to establish contacts with universit...
On day three the journey continued as we visited two more universities. Of course one of our goals was to establish contacts with universities and also inspire students by seeing what Barcelona has to offer career and academic wise. The first university we visited was the European Business School, also known as EU Business School. A private and prestige university in the city of Barcelona that offers many business programs. They welcomed us with open arms and we got to enjoy a presentation about what the EU Business School has to offer. The students were definitely impressed by the...
Day 2: Tuesday the 15th of March
12:58The second day started early in the morning. The group gathered at the train station where we took the train to the ancient town of Vic. W...
The second day started early in the morning. The group gathered at the train station where we took the train to the ancient town of Vic. While some were catching up on sleep during the train ride, most of us were enjoying and capturing the beautiful view on the mountains and villages of Catalonia. After the one and a half our ride we arrived at VIC. Here there was a nice The second day started early in the morning. The group gathered at the train station where we took the train to the ancient town of Vic. While some...
Day 1: Monday 14t of March
05:58Most students arrived the weekend before the 14 th of March and got to enjoy the city before the project activities started. Before going ...
Most students arrived the weekend before the 14th of March and got to enjoy the city before the project activities started. Before going to Spain me and my group members made a schedule that we printed out on a flyer for all the project members to take with them to Spain. This is the flyer and as you can see it shows exactly what activities we did, where and when. The first activity of the week was an inspiring presentation by Martin Schirmer, one of the founders of Iberia sports. Iberia Sports is a licensed travel agency and...
12:18Welcome to our blog. We are a group of IBMS (International Business and Management Studies) students from the Rotterdam University o...
Welcome to our blog. We are a group of IBMS (International Business and Management Studies) students from the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences who have been chosen for the exciting International project: Spain. The end goal of this project is to establish relationships with Spanish universities and companies to eventually create a database with contacts. These contacts can later on be used for various purposes such as finding a possible internship in Spain or finding a Spanish university to go a study abroad. The project groups working this international project have visited the beautiful city of Barcelona in...